Thursday, February 27, 2014

Cleanse FAIL

Ok, peeps, let's talk about "cleanses." Here's one that I've seen going around the Pinterest world. The picture is of some super skinny chick and the caption reads: 

Honey and cinnamon + hot water = cleanse. Every morning, on an empty stomach, and every night before bed.

The pin goes on to say that you mix 1 tbsp honey and 2 tbsp of cinnamon in a cup of water and drink it every morning and every night. 

Now I'm definitely NOT a fan of the bloating and the blocking and the backing up that a digestive system can do. I've had digestive issues for years and was finally told that I have a deficiency of hydrochloric acid and a viral intention in my large intestine. Basically my digestive tract hates me and doesn't like to pass things through my body so I'm always open to trying new things to help. Thus why I tried this.

Let's be honest, cleanses are supposed to help things move, help you "be regular," and feel better. I drank this as fast as I could because it looked and tasted terrible (cinnamon without enough sugar smells fine but tastes awful) and for the next 4 hours I couldn't eat or drink anything because I thought I was going to hurl my guts.

Again, cleanses are supposed to clean you out NOT keep you from putting anything else in. Maybe the girl in this picture really does drink this every morning and every night and that's why she's so skinny: she can't eat anything because her stomach is in knots. I spent the next few hours laying on the couch, staying close to a bathroom and not making any sudden moves. The "cleanse" tasted bad enough going down, I didn't want to taste it coming back up.

So here's my final judgement: DON'T DO IT!!! Unless you're already sick and you need something that will make you throw up in order to feel better, just leave this one be. There are plenty of other way to get your system cleaned out. For example, there is Metamucil, Activia yogurt, running, and (to be used sparingly) cleanse pills and magnesium citrate. And make sure you're drinking enough water. Your colon can't process and clean out without water. If you're having serious problems with it, go see a doctor. But don't let them take out your gallbladder unless they can prove that it's the problem. For reals. They tried to take mine out "just to see if that would help." ….yeah because I'm ok with people removing a perfectly functioning organ for the sake of experimentation... But that's a story for a different time.

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